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SmartCalm® Ultra Pellets

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Inactive Dog - Less than 30 minutes of vigorous exercise daily
Active Dog - At least 30 minutes of vigorous exercise daily
Working Dog - More than two hours of vigorous exercise daily
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Product Overview

Which horses benefit from calming support?

Supplements that aid in calming are an ideal starting point for any horse that is excessively nervous, edgy, reactive, unconfident, or spooky. That’s because the vitamins and minerals these products offer help smooth out deficiencies in the diet that can interfere with proper nervous system function.

Additionally, if you compete in rated horse shows, supplements with herb free formulation may be your best option. Unlike herbal calming supplements that often include ingredients that are prohibited by many competitive organizations, nutrient-based supplements generally focus on providing key nutrients like tryptophan, magnesium and B-vitamins that are an important part of your horse’s diet.  Of course, we always recommend checking the rule books for any organizations under which you compete to confirm their individual rules and that these ingredients are appropriate.

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Key Ingredients


Supplement Facts

Ingredient Name Amount Per Serving
Ingredient Name Amount Per Pound

Ingredient Details


Weight Recommended Amount Loading Amount

How the Ingredients Work

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The reviews provided on this website represent the experience of the individual posting the review. We do not adopt, edit, or endorse any of the submissions posted within the reviews section. Rather, the reviews are part of an online community of animal owners that desire to share their particular experience with other individuals. These reviews are not a substitute for discussing the health of your animal with a veterinarian.

SmartPak customers are some of the most conscientious animal owners around. We encourage you to share your experience with the products we sell to help fellow customers to make informed choices for their animals. We do not edit these reviews in any way - they are direct customer-to-customer communication. We do monitor reviews for positive and negative feedback, and use this feedback to improve our selection as well as sharing feedback with product manufacturers to help them improve their products. Please note that we recommend consulting your vet with serious health issues.

SmartCalm® Ultra Pellets is rated 4.3 out of 5 by 1709.
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Calmed my Spook Monster My horse came up to New England from down south - from large pastures and fields to a suburban environment. Right from day one everything here at this busy barn and on the road was scary! And his reaction to everything was to be a super spook ... in hand and undersaddle. I spent weeks trying to get him used to his new world but he was too anxious to break through to. Thinking this will just be what I have to deal with I thought I'd try SmartCalm Ultra - couldn't hurt right? Well - after 8 weeks - it has helped so much! It took a full 8 weeks to take effect with him because he was so over-reactive - he trained himself to spook at everything! Now - he's so different ... he is now allowing himself to relax. There is still an occasional spook - but "normal" ... it took a while for me to retrain myself from expecting him to spook too! This supplement is the real deal! He will always be on it. Now I'm hoping he stays this way when the New England fall winds whip up his tail! LOL
Date published: 2020-08-23
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Give it a month I have a high anxiety mare and at first I thought this did absolutely nothing for her. After about a month of use she is super calm and cool. Not to mention she eats every crumb.
Date published: 2020-08-14
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Supplement change my horse! I have had my horse on this since May after working up and taxing potential gi ulcers and weight loss. My horse went from being a relatively lazy unphased horse for many years to recently being so nervous he was pacing and acting so spooky for the last year. After ruling out any medical issues and changing diet/lifestyle as much as we could my vet recommended Ultracalm to help relax him a bit as we worked on fixing potential other factors. It’s been like night and day now he is so much more relaxed and happy. He’s gaining weight and has stopped pacing. I also noticed he’s been able to sleep more and resting on a regular schedule at the barn. I plan to continue using this supplement long term!
Date published: 2020-08-10
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Works as well as promised! I began rehabbing a 14 year old KWPN gelding who had been abused. After a month on a similar (but more expensive) product from another company, I started him on SmartCalm. Within a week he was less reactive- it has now been nearly two months and he is a far happier boy. All of his PTSD triggers have faded; he is enjoying his work, trusts his rider, and has the quality of life I could only dream of for him. SmartPak, thank you for helping me give him his new start!
Date published: 2020-07-20
Rated 2 out of 5 by from Didn’t make a change My horse has been on this for two months and no change in behavior could be noted.
Date published: 2020-07-05
Rated 1 out of 5 by from not palatable I can't really say if it works or not, since I couldn't get my mare to eat it. I tried for over a week, and she finally just quit eating her grain. She is a picky eater, but I can usually get her use to it. This is a no-go for her.
Date published: 2020-07-01
Rated 1 out of 5 by from My mare eats just about anything but stopped eating her grain as soon as I started feeding this
Date published: 2020-06-27
Rated 3 out of 5 by from Unfortunately, we didn’t notice a change with this supplement.
Date published: 2020-06-19
Rated 1 out of 5 by from No results I bought this one month ago and had my horse on it the entire month. I did not notice him being any less spooky than he was.
Date published: 2020-06-19
Rated 3 out of 5 by from I’ve had my 6yo OTTB gelding on this for a little over a month now and it seems to be helping somewhat. We were having issues with him being spooky and reactive to pretty much everything and I was frustrated. While I haven’t had much time to ride due to the pandemic, I can’t say for certain how he is under saddle and over fences now, but he seems to be a little less reactive and stressed on the ground/lunging. So far, I wouldn’t say it’s life-changing, but it’s definitely made a slight difference.
Date published: 2020-06-18
Rated 3 out of 5 by from Works amazingly, but horse doesn’t like to eat it I have had my horse on this for several months. It works amazingly well, but she really hates the taste of it. When it’s in her grain she tries her best to pick most of it out, and will SOMETIMES finish it later. Whatever grain is touching it she doesn’t want to eat until her next meal is dumped on top. I will have to switch back to quissence, sadly, because she ate that fine, but after months she still hasn’t adjusted to this one and really doesn’t like the taste, which is a shame because it works better than anything else I’ve tried. It stinks that my horse is being picky about it! If she would eat it, I’d give it 5 stars.
Date published: 2020-06-16
Rated 5 out of 5 by from If your horse is like mine...this stuff WILL work! Without going into a long-winded explanation, I will just say that if your horse is the kind that gets easily wound up, has had an uncharacteristic increase in spooky, reactive behavior, and/or seems to have tightness throughout the back...give this stuff a try. Magnesium deficiency is a real thing, and SmartCalm Ultra has a nice healthy dose of Magnesium that will address it and help a deficient horse be able to relax. The little bit of B-vitamin and tryptophan doesn't hurt either. My guy has been on it for just three weeks, and I'm already seeing major improvements. He's still wide-eyed and wary about certain things, and is very attentive to everything happening around him, but he isn't losing his mind over it like he was just a month ago. He had become unrecognizable to me (I raised him myself and he's 12 years old) this spring, and SmartCalm Ultra is gradually giving me my horse back.
Date published: 2020-06-13
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Totally Works! My horse has been on this for about a month and I have seen a huge difference in his stress level, he is much less jumpy and on edge.
Date published: 2020-06-11
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Really works! Smart calm ultra has worked wonders for my horse. Just enough to take off the nervous energy and allow him to think and perform better.
Date published: 2020-06-04
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Helped my ottb I started my ottb on smartcalm ultra and noticed a difference within 2 weeks. She was calm and collected and had a brain again!
Date published: 2020-05-28
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Great stuff! I think smartpak does a great job with their supplements. My gelding has been acting very spooky these spring months due to stress and after one feeding of this supplement changed his disposition from spooky and nervous to calm and collected. One twist however is that he’s hesitant to eat it, but that’s okay. Thanks smartpak!
Date published: 2020-05-27
Rated 2 out of 5 by from Calming supplements I want to start by saying I love Smartpak! I am trying to solve a spooking problem with my horse by using the ultra calming supplements but I don’t think that is His issue. He was diagnosed with early stage uveitis so I am addressing this now. He may be spooking at shadows. I will be using Smartpak for a hoof supplement because this company is the BEST. Customer support is awesome!
Date published: 2020-05-12
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Very effective after 30 days I started giving this to my 15 year old OTTB gelding who has always been a hot, anxious, and sensitive horse. I had to move him to a boarding facility that unfortunately, didn't have much turnout and I knew this would make his normal tendencies that much worse. After 30 days of being on the supplement, I've seen a big difference. Although he's still the same horse and has the same tendencies, he is not as quick to become agitated and seems more calm overall, especially in his stall. I've seen a little bit of a difference undersaddle, but he still has the same personality of becoming anxious in certain situations. But again, his reactions are not quite as dramatic as they used to be. Overall, I'm very happy with the product and would recommend it to others. I wasn't expecting a miracle cure, just a little something to help minimize his tendencies towards stress and anxiety over little things. And this supplement did the trick! Last note: my guy is hit or miss when it comes to eating new things in his feed. He took to this supplement right away and will eat it even without grain in the bucket!
Date published: 2020-05-11
Rated 4 out of 5 by from Seems to work! My 8 yr old big eyes at everything mare is returning to work after an injury. This supplement seems to help her focus and be smart and calm! She won’t eat it plain - I mix it with sunflower seeds.
Date published: 2020-05-04
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Huge difference! My 6yr old Friesian gelding has been on this for 2yrs. He is much more relaxed and focused.
Date published: 2020-04-30
Rated 4 out of 5 by from I have used the paste and was happy with the results. My horse is coming back to work so we will see how it goes.
Date published: 2020-04-23
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Supplement from Heaven ! This works !!!!! Not only did this work on some nasty hot/cold Michigan weather changes , but it honestly helps with my mares cycle . It takes the edge off a cranky mare attitude and stall boredom . This supplement worked on my OTTB gelding too when it gets cold and windy out and the boogyman comes out to get him on the way to his paddock . I will never be without this supplement . It makes for a much more controlled and happy horse which means better attitudes , rides , grooming and monthly cycles . Overall I wish I could give this product a million stars ! It is truly a game changer for my two horses .
Date published: 2020-04-18
Rated 5 out of 5 by from It's working My mare was on Quiessence for about 4 months (did the loading dose and everything). It did absolutely nothing for the spookiness for my chestnut mare. My mares horomones are already being balanced by Regumate. I'm on my first 28 days of this supplement mixed with LegUp Mare pellets and my horse hasn't spooked since the first week. She also eats this easily unlike Quiessence.
Date published: 2020-04-17
Rated 3 out of 5 by from Not sure this does much I have had my 16 yr old OTTB on this supplement for a little over a year now. I have noticed a slight change in his attitude under saddle. He is much calmer to take out for a trail ride by himself and seems more confident. However, he still has anxiety attacks about once a month where he will run back and forth in his ring trying to get out. He also still gets upset when any horse on the property is taken out of his eye sight. Not sure if this supplement is really making a difference.
Date published: 2020-04-16
Rated 2 out of 5 by from I’m not really impressed by it, he has calmed down a little but I was hoping for more, it may work on others if they are not as nervous as mine.
Date published: 2020-04-13
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Great product My gelding has been on Smart Calm Ultra for a little over 3 months now and I have noticed a huge improvement. He is not spooky and jumpy about everything. Little things would put him over the edge and he ignores them now. He could also be an anxious horse under saddle and now it is way less. It has made him more level headed and easier to deal with.
Date published: 2020-04-09
Rated 5 out of 5 by from Fabulous product I began using this product on my horse. Through the past few years she developed severe anxiety. I began using Smart Calm Ultra 8 weeks ago and see great improvement. Still working on underlying causes of her anxiety.
Date published: 2020-04-07
Rated 2 out of 5 by from Still waiting I was hoping this supplement would help calm my 20 yr old arab gelding, but I’m still waiting. Maybe this next month will be the turn around. We’re going on two months now.
Date published: 2020-04-07
Rated 5 out of 5 by from SmartCalm saves lives (and my sanity) SmartCalm Ultra is my dragon-taming secret weapon. The times I've made the mistake of thinking "does this reaaaaally make a difference?" and took my anxious hothead off it, I regretted that decision real fast. My gelding isn't a spooky horse but is very forward and prone to anxiety under saddle and I 100% notice when he's on it vs. not. Lesson learned, for his happiness & mine, he's staying on this for life
Date published: 2020-03-28
Rated 5 out of 5 by from My 20yo thoroughbred gelding has been on Smart Calm for about 3 weeks now. He can be over reactive in some instances and nervous when his schedule is even slightly changed. Since he has been on this supplement I have seen an overall calmness in him. So far so good!
Date published: 2020-03-27
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