Rated 4 out of
Anonymous123 from
Lots of Improvement!
We changed several things around the time I started feeding SmartCalm so I can’t give the supplement all the credit. But I will say my boy is a lot less anxious and has given up many of his nervous behaviors, like biting. No plans to take him off these pellets and test him - I’m extremely pleased with his improved attitude.
Date published: 2023-06-07
Rated 1 out of
Felix from
Horse won’t eat it
I have a picky horse. He wont eat it or anything in his bowl if the supplement is mixed with the grain.
Date published: 2023-04-15
Rated 5 out of
MaryS from
Works Well!
Started my anxious old gelding on Smart Calm a month ago and the change in him is so wonderful to see. Highly recommend!
Date published: 2023-03-27
Rated 1 out of
Blackmare44 from
Complete Opposite affect
I started this on my mare to hopefully help her settle with spending more time on trails and exploring outside instead of the arena. She’s now overly excitable, pacing her stall, and a bucking lunatic in the arena where she normally was super level headed. She’s nervous and very jumpy now all the time where before it was just outside on trails. When the supplement was stopped, her behaviour returned to normal. I’m going to switch to the regular Smart Calm as it doesn’t have the tryptophan in it, and I have read that could be an issue. Nothing else has changed accept adding this to her feed. 10/10 do not recommend.
Date published: 2023-03-09
Rated 5 out of
PintoPackLeader from
Always Recommend Smart Calm Ultra First!
I have used this supplement on and off for numerous horses and it is always my first recommendation when people mention needing something to just take the edge of. I've always been very pleased with the results as have my friend.
Date published: 2023-03-02
Rated 5 out of
Lib9 from
My horse is so calm!
Like the title says. He’s so calm! He’s a different horse
Date published: 2023-02-04
Rated 1 out of
Jazz from
Smart Calm Ultra Pellets.
This product did not work at all money spent, Wasted for sure, i cant afford to waste money.
Will need to find something else. Very DISAPPOINTED IN Product. L don"t recommed this product.May work for some but not my girl.
Date published: 2023-01-26
Rated 4 out of
Westfamily6 from
Good product!
Our mare is on stall rest and this helps to keep her calmer throughout the day.
Date published: 2023-01-21
Rated 5 out of
Sara from
Love this supplement, notice a definite difference
Tried this with my young, green mare and noticed her more focused. Also tried it with my 21 year old, hot and neurotic gelding, and he seemed so much more relaxed and at ease.
Date published: 2022-11-21
Rated 1 out of
Trish from
Didn’t Work
It did not work at all even though we gave it a double dose. We had high hopes but it was not something that worked for our skittish mare.
Date published: 2022-09-01
Rated 5 out of
Hgould79 from
Amazing Supplement
My horse was on a different calming supplement and didn’t notice much of a difference. Customer service suggested I try the Smart Calm and he has been amazing. He is more focused yet still his goofy self.
Date published: 2022-08-01
Rated 5 out of
Maxie from
Works great!
I’ve been using it for a couple of years and it works as promised.
Date published: 2022-05-03
Rated 5 out of
Ashly from
Gelding stopped cribbing!
Unexpectedly, our gelding hasn't been cribbing since going on this supplement. He's cribbed for years, on everything he could get a hold of. But we've noticed in recent week he hasn't been cribbing much or at all since going on this supplement.
Date published: 2022-04-08
Rated 5 out of
LisaW from
Perfect for a senior horse with anxiety
My senior horse started to have vision issues and was no longer mentally comfortable being turned out alone or beyond view of the main herd on the property. It wasn't safe for him to be out with the main herd so it was find a calming supplement/med or nothing. He exhibited symptoms of constant pacing, both trotting and walking, constant calling, and so on. He was too anxious to eat. On recommendation of the vet I looked for a calming supplement and this one ticked the boxes on the list the vet gave me. Within the first few days of being on the supplement he was back to himself and much, much calmer and happier. It provided a crucial quality of life improvement.
Date published: 2022-04-07
Rated 5 out of
Mischka from
Makes the Edge Manageable
I give my horse SmartCalm Ultra paste at horse shows &, while it helped immensely, my horse was still very tense at shows & spooky at home. After a particularly tense horse show at the end of January, I came home & bought the pellets. Ironically, she seemed even spookier the first week I had her on the daily pellets. We just went to a horse show at the end of March, about 2 months later, & she was the most ridable she had ever been, with the daily pellet & the paste just for the 3 days of the show. I had been thinking of taking her off the daily pellet over the summer when I'm not showing, but my trainer made a comment on what would have otherwise been a 'spooky' day at home that my horse was much braver, so maybe I should just keep her on it!
Date published: 2022-04-02
Rated 5 out of
Kat J from
My go to for cranky Mare!!
I have used Smart Calm Ultra for years off and on. My absolute go to when I need her to get refocused. Flush everything else you’ve tried down the drain if you own a unfocused TB Mare !!!
Date published: 2022-03-15
Rated 5 out of
Molly from
It works
Long story short - my horse had a bad reaction to a medication and then had a pasture accident that landed him in stall rest for 8 months. This horse is a senior and was purchased for his calm nature, but never seemed quite settled after the medication change, and it got worse with the stall rest. I assumed that the "banned" herbs were banned because they were too effective, so I was using a supplement with valerian. Poor guy was mostly fine with me, but wouldn't let my trainer close and would be spooky in his stall randomly. I'm not sure why I switched to this, but in the past 6 months as he has gone off the other and onto this one, he is back to his old self. People can pet my horse again. He isn't tense in the "scary end" of the arena. He is less of a weirdo in his stall and we see a lot less of the whites of his eyes.
Date published: 2022-02-17
Rated 5 out of
Jade mom from
Smartcalm helps
I bought this last month love how it helps our horse and the convenience of the per measured and packaging
Date published: 2022-01-20
Rated 5 out of
Mallory from
Great results
Bought this product over a month ago and the sensitivity of our POA has greatly declined.
Date published: 2022-01-19
Rated 1 out of
ofus11 from
Horse would not eat it
My horse eats anything, but would not eat this supplement. Tried adding beet pulp. He would not eat this. Did not want to add anything with sugar as he is on a diet.
Date published: 2021-12-13
Rated 5 out of
thefergster from
Works well
I started my OTTB on SmartCalm Ultra a few months ago. He’s much calmer and less reactive. Don’t expect your horse to act sedated or have a complete 180 change in behavior - this supplement doesn’t do that. What it does do, though, is keep my horse more relaxed and focused. When he does spook it’s not as big of a deal as it used to be.
Date published: 2021-11-24
Rated 5 out of
Abby from
Works great
The product is great
Calms our horse down
Ease of use
Product rep is great
Date published: 2021-11-03
Rated 5 out of
Nikki from
It works!
Nice product. It does take 2-4 weeks to fully kick in. It has really helped our new guy settle in his new barn nicely.
Date published: 2021-09-22
Rated 1 out of
Samantha from
Change in ingredients?
My horse won't touch this anymore! Thinking that something changed? Or the production line wasn't cleaned properly?
Date published: 2021-09-14
Rated 1 out of
Kait from
My mare won't eat it
I was so hoping this would help my anxious mare but she wont even touch her feed once she smells it
Date published: 2021-09-09
Rated 5 out of
SUnnyazgirl from
Helped my horse
After 6 weeks of lameness over my horse's New Year's Even freak out, I wanted to try this over 4th of July. SmartCalm Ultra Pellets was the only thing I changed and he survived July 4th without any injury!
Date published: 2021-08-12
Rated 3 out of
Linz from
I've been using this product for a little over a month now and I haven't seen a huge change yet. I think next season I'm going to try a different product. My horse will eat just about anything but he turns his nose up when I feed him this.
Date published: 2021-08-02
Rated 5 out of
Miss Energetic from
Helps our TB
Our TB mare has been on this four a month and half , we feel like it helps her focus on her work:)
Date published: 2021-07-22
Rated 5 out of
Carrie from
Her temperament has never been better! No more "marish" moments
Date published: 2021-07-17
Rated 5 out of
Cherie from
Great Products
I've seen difference in both my horses. One has been on it for a couple months and one just got started on it.
Date published: 2021-07-14