Rated 4 out of
Boss lady from
I've only used it once and was pleased with the results. I will definitely use it again.
Date published: 2016-04-06
Rated 3 out of
alexacf from
Probably more of a placebo effect
Worth a shot if you're going to a show or a new / high-stress environment, but don't expect dramatic results. Just like how eating a bunch of turkey (aka tryptophan) might make you relaxed and sleepy at home, it's not going to take away your nerves before a big presentation. However, I would try this product first before it's more expensive competitors. Seems like they both have similar effects. The tube was also bit hard to administer, but it worked fine. My horse didn't mind the taste, but it did have a weird grainy texture.
Date published: 2016-04-05
Rated 1 out of
bets55 from
Not for a horse that needs 2 or 3 pills of ace...
I gave this to my horse before going out on the last hunt. It didn't help. At all.
Date published: 2016-03-14
Rated 2 out of
CTKG from
Probably more of a placebo effect
I got a few tubes of this to take the edge off a nervous horse I've been riding in lessons and hacking out with some neighbors. When riding in new places, he is so nervous and upset that he breaks into a sweat and jigs the entire time. Of course, I wasn't expecting the Smart Calm Ultra Paste to be a quick fix for training problems, but even after doubling the dose, it made no difference whatsoever in my horse's behavior, attitude, or stress response. Might work for some horses, but definitely did not for this one.
Date published: 2016-03-02
Rated 5 out of
kvwpmo from
A Chance to Achieve
My Missouri Fox Trotter mare had a difficult time learning to canter. Her adrenaline level was so high with her striving to do well that it became her enemy. After a couple of mornings of SmartCalm Ultra, my trainer said" I believe there's a difference." He is low key. Before traveling to deliver some horses out of state, however, he left instructions specifically to his wife not to forget to give that black mare her SmartCalm. They are now thinking can we use this on other anxious horses in the barn. Thank you from the black mare! She glides along like the surf now. I love this product for her sake.
Date published: 2016-02-23
Rated 3 out of
Marcy from
Not sure....
Tried it yesterday afternoon, didn't seem to do much for him behaviorally.
Date published: 2016-02-22
Rated 5 out of
NickCoco from
Wonderful product
I use this on my nervous ulcer prone gelding at shows. Relaxes him just enough to focus and do his job.
Date published: 2016-02-18
Rated 4 out of
Angie from
Worked for me
I ride an 18 year old Dutch WB that spooks big at random times. It makes it hard sometimes to get through a dressage test when there are invisible monsters only he can see sitting on the rails. I've tried lots of stuff. Perfect Prep has been my favorite and then I found this less expensive option with a lot of the same ingredients. I gave one tube the night before and another two hours before warm up. While still a little looky he was a lot less tense and we made it through both tests that day without any huge blow ups (also bringing in our two best scores ever). Will definitely use again and I've already been recommending it to friends.
Date published: 2016-02-08
Rated 5 out of
Rhonda from
Helped a little
Used this twice . Used this 3hours before both shows. Seemed more quiet at the trailer, but did not help with entry into arena.
Date published: 2016-02-08
Rated 5 out of
npaints from
Love this product!!!
I was skeptical to whether or not this paste would do anything, but to my surprise it helped my horse so much. I'm guessing she had a bad experience with her previous owner and now hates getting her feet done, so she usually gives my farrier quite a hard time. As a last resort to make his life easier, I tried this paste, and it worked. She seemed mellow, but alert and didn't mind getting her feet done.I'm not sure how it works performance wise, but in that situation it worked well for my mare. I will definitely be buying more!
Date published: 2015-12-10
Rated 4 out of
critterlady from
Great product but HORRIBLE syringe!
This worked well for my mare and her edginess but you have to do something about the plungers. I used two tubes and BOTH tubes had faulty plungers; the plungers did not allow me to use the entire tube; one got stuck with about 1/4 of the product left in tube, the second got stuck with about 1/3 of the product still in the tube. The next time I use the smart calm I'm going to try spraying the plunger with PAM to see if it will work better to allow me to use the entire contents of the tube.
Date published: 2015-12-10
Rated 5 out of
Dpowell4835 from
I bought this because my 19 year old mare gets a little to excited going on and off the property. She Paste really help her relax and focus on what I was asking her to do. I am going to buy this throughout show season.
Date published: 2015-11-13
Rated 5 out of
Horseshow Mom from
Smartpak always delivers the best products. They work!!!!
Date published: 2015-10-15
Rated 5 out of
Barn momma from
Always superior product from Smatpak
Like this product, works as described, I can depend on everything that I purchase from Smartpak.
Date published: 2015-10-07
Rated 5 out of
greyjumper9 from
Used this product on my horse at a show this past weekend. I had used another product in the past which worked but I had issues with administration, so decided to try this. Gave it to my horse 2 hours before our classes, and it kicked in QUICK. Definitely took the edge off and he performed beautifully. I could probably get away with giving it to him even 1 hour out, it started working so fast. It does not last the whole day, and I felt it had worn off by the time our afternoon classes came around (gave it at 8 am for a 10 am class, wore off by the time a 4 pm class came around). On the second show day he got one tube in the morning for the am classes and another in the afternoon for the pm classes (the tube says to administer one or two tubes a day as needed). I definitely find this product more effective than the one I'd used in the past, my horse gets worried and anxious in a show environment and with this he felt like he normally does at home. I also liked that it was a smaller tube, much easier for my small hands to use on my difficult to paste horse! It comes out of the tube much easier too, you don't have to press so hard. Overall I really liked this product and I plan to continue purchasing it for future shows. Very affordable as well!
Date published: 2015-10-05
Rated 4 out of
Bud21 from
Great product !
I always use this before I show my horse and it helps him being calm and confident !
Date published: 2015-09-21
Rated 3 out of
ChristenB from
Average at best.
It worked great for my hot horse--until it wore off. It does not have a long span despite how long it tells you it will work. And it takes 2 hours to work.
Date published: 2015-09-15
Rated 5 out of
Maria from
Worked beautifully for my mare
My 11 year old Friesan mare difficult to load. Used the calming paste the morning of our load and yes she was much calmer and not so resistant to loading. Upon arrival to our new location it helped her to settle in.
Date published: 2015-09-02
Rated 5 out of
ChipKB94 from
Amazing product!
I have a new horse who is anxious coming off the trailer. This has led to some negative experiences arriving at shows or other locations. I tried SmartCalm Ultra paste last weekend before trailering and it fully lived up to its claims. I had a calm, focused and happy horse offsite - and he had a happy rider!
Date published: 2015-08-24
Rated 4 out of
Tuff from
Easy to administer, and he seems to like it.
I feed the smart calm ultra pellets and decided to try the paste too.
So far it seems to work. My quarter horse gets excited when there is a lot of new things going on around him that he hasn't seen before.
This seems to let him focus and relax in new surroundings easier and quicker.
I'm pleased with the results.
Date published: 2015-08-21
Rated 5 out of
Show mom from
Awesome Paste
I have used other similar prodcuts but this seems to work better. I use the smart calm pellets as well and I wanted the paste on show days. He is not as spooky in the show ring.
Date published: 2015-08-14
Rated 5 out of
Stbgirl1 from
I love this paste! I used it for my 4 year olds first horse show. I tried to show him 2 weeks ago and I had to scratch because he was so crazy that we couldn't even school. He was rearing and bucking which surprised me because he is such a quiet guy under saddle. The stress of showing got to him. I ordered this product and figured why not the price is right and the worst case is that it wouldn't work. Well it did work and I brought him to a show and he did fabulous. He was all business and went right to work and we even received ribbons in all the classes we entered. I am definitely ordering this product again.
Date published: 2015-08-10
Rated 4 out of
kelly from
well priced
i haven't used this yet but will for an upcoming event.
Date published: 2015-08-07
Rated 5 out of
AGreen from
Great product!
Great for my young horse at her first ever horse show.
Date published: 2015-07-04
Rated 5 out of
DressageBetty from
Nothing shy of a miracle
My dressage pony (AQHA gelding) is a worrier. He had a knack for turning show ground trash cans into dragons that required kicking and spinning, and flags into proof the sky was falling. He paced at the trailer and screamed profanities at passing horses.
Then the miracle of the smart calm paste happened. He how stands quietly at the trailer and under flags. He only gigs by the cans and maintains his happy-go-lucky, goofy, spitfire personality. He's not dopey. Just brave. It's a superman cape in a tube. I've used it twice and bought enough for the rest of the season.
Thank you SmartPak. Thanks to you I've a winning show pony!
Date published: 2015-07-02
Rated 5 out of
Carlie from
I will never go to another show without this product. I've used this a couple of times and every time I use it with my horse we end up winning the all around high point at our shows. My horse gets VERY nervous at horse shows, so nervous he forgets 90% of the things I've been teaching him for the past 8 years, when I give him the smart calm tube he instantly becomes calm and it last all day! He listens to me and remembers everything I've been teaching him, every time I use it we end up winning almost all our classes and the all around high point :)
Date published: 2015-06-18
Rated 5 out of
horzelover from
This was highly recommended by my trainer, as my gelding stress's when being hauled. It will not drug test, if they are drug testing at the breed shows.
I haven't used it yet but trust her totally.
Date published: 2015-06-15
Rated 4 out of
TKMoon from
Good results with first try!
I wanted to try something mild to help my show mare be more calm while trailering.
She is a fireball. I've had her on mare magic for over a year and marbled twice. With a clear vet check, I've learned to sit deep and wait out her moods. But I felt helpless when she began pawing and kicking in the trailer this show season. When I would pull over to check on her, she would be shaking and in a nervous sweat but as soon as she saw the usual show gang at the grounds, she was fine.
I gave her a whole tube at 11:30; as we were to pull out at 2:30. I didn't notice any grogginess and I loaded her by myself, without any shaking or pawing. She was alert, but not naughty.
By the time we were to show at 6:30; I did notice her getting a little groggy, but she did miss a nap. She won three blues in halter without any silly butt turning around the judge!
I am ordering more!
Oh--and she's a bad paste taker. The product was creamy without being thick and had an almost treat-like oat smell that she not only approved, but did not spit out! Huge deal!
Like always--Thanks, Smartpak! We love you.
Date published: 2015-06-11
Rated 4 out of
jackie1217 from
Helped in Calming
I bought this to help my OTTB make what was going to be a rough transition/trailering from a pasture home of his and a herd he was very attached to. He was certainly calmer from the paste and loaded much better than anticipated. However the stress of the situation over-rode the calming paste once in the trailer. Was glad he had this in his system as the situation would have been far more difficult for him! The next test will be to see if it calms him enough to do a sheath cleaning :)
Date published: 2015-06-03
Rated 4 out of
Slybrownfox from
Worked on one horse
seems to be a great product! It worked very well on one of my geldings that tends to get worried and worked up in the show ring. However it did not work at all for my other gelding. It's definitely worth a try! It works great and there is a noticeable difference IF it works on your horse.
Date published: 2015-05-07