Rated 5 out of
Tbrrl77 from
Used it forever!
Read the bottle!!! Test your horse for a reaction before using this product!!
I like to test on an inconspicuous patch on the rump, if there is a reaction it won't be hideously in the way.
I started using this when my gelding lost his forelock! It kind of grows the hair back in little tufts if you apply it to the whole follicle. I recommend really trying to get only the roots of the hair. I've used this on blanket rubs, trailer tail rubs, and mare tail.
If you're put off by that smell I'm sorry but most medications don't smell pleasant and this is in my opinion a medication. It does work, just crinkles your nose.
Also, people use it on themselves? I
haven't tried it but I hear it works!
Date published: 2015-09-22
Rated 5 out of
twoTBs from
Miracle for rain rot!
My poor boy got a pretty nasty case of rain rot recently. I tried for the better part of a week to treat it with other shampoos and sprays. I was leery of using the MTG because I was concerned about sunburn (its oily and I had read it may cause sunburn). However, boy am I glad I did finally try it!! I liberally put the MTG on his rain rot areas one evening and let it be overnight. The next day I was amazed! Those nasty little patches came right off with a sponge and some water! No more picking at my poor sensitive skinned boy, or rubbing him raw with curry combs! This will be the FIRST thing I grab next time, so I can start regrowing hair and stop tormenting my pony!
Date published: 2015-07-21
Rated 5 out of
RORY from
I am using this for itchy tail. It seems to take immediate effect. I did it 3 days in a row just to be sure.
Date published: 2015-07-02
Rated 5 out of
Princess Emma from
Two of my mares had rain rot on their hindquarters last year and this got rid of it all within a week or so! I ever recommended it to a friend (her horse had pretty bad rain rot that just wouldn't go away) and it cleared it all up! If you're looking to get rid of your horses rain rot, definitely use Shapley's Original M-T-G!!!
Date published: 2015-06-23
Rated 5 out of
nlabaume from
Smelly and greasy...but it WORKS!
I was losing a battle with rain rot on my mare's hind legs. I had been washing her legs with the medicated Eqyss shampoo and applying the Equyss spray afterward, but after a week the rain rot was not getting any better, it was actually spreading (her taking daily mud baths while out in the pasture during the day was obviously not helping, but the weather in Texas this year has been rather wet!!!). So I bought a bottle of MTG at my local feed store. It is smelly (smells more like rotten egg than bacon in my opinion) and super greasy, BUT in two applications, her rain rot was gone!!! So I will put up with the cons (I do wear gloves when applying, which makes a huge difference) since the product really exceeded my expectations. I have not used it for hair growth and not sure if i could put up with my mare having a greasy and smelly tail/mane... But I will definitely use it again for medicated purposes. I do wish it came in a spray bottle though...
Date published: 2015-05-11
Rated 5 out of
dressage lady from
excellent product - have used it for years
My horse came in his stall today and turned his rump to me and looked at me. I figured out he had an itchy tail and applied MTG liberally. He couldn't have thanked me more clearly.....great stuff !
Date published: 2015-05-07
Rated 5 out of
weasel1212 from
This is the best product for any skin condition In your horse!!
Date published: 2015-04-28
Rated 5 out of
Cooptroop from
I've got a 9 month filly with dry skin in her mane - so I've been using this once a week for the last 3 weeks now & it looks so much better! I also have a 10 year old Morgan with a tail I can NOT get to grow out so I've been applying this once a week for the last 3 weeks and HOLY SMOKES it already looks so much better! I'm so happy I ordered this and I can't wait to see how it keeps working!
Date published: 2015-01-14
Rated 5 out of
futureolympian55 from
It WORKS! Miracle Product!
I bought this for my new lease and I LOVE it! When I came to try him, I noticed that he had ugly rain rot on the back of his gaskins. I heard that MTG is THE product to use for rain rot, and everyone is right! I made sure that no one else was applying anything to his rain rot to make sure there was nothing for it to react to (I'm not sure if MTG reacts with anything, but I don't want to make anything worse) and started applying it.
I only see him about 4 times a week, so after the first time I applied it and came back a couple days after, his rain rot had healed by 50%! I have been applying it about 2x a week (I have gotten a little slack about it) and it's been getting better, but when I only aapply it once a week it's not enough to cure it. I'm sure if I get more strict about applying it often, then it will heal.
I sort of wish that it came in a different dispenser; when I apply it to his rain rot it's very sensitive and he lashes our with his hind legs. I have been applying it with a cloth to reduce him getting annoyed by it, but I think it works best when you can dispense it directly to the area without putting it on a rag first- it's a bit more concentrated.
(And is it bad that I enjoy the semi-burnt bacon smell??)
I haven't gotten a chance to use it on his mane or tail yet. His mane is pretty thick already, and I'm worried it may make his tailbone look greasy.
Date published: 2014-12-10
Rated 5 out of
BayPony from
This stuff really works! Be sure to shake it well and put it on clean skin/hair. It does collect dirt because of the oil, but works great, especially on itchy horses.
Date published: 2014-11-28
Rated 5 out of
jackie49 from
anyone with any type of feathered horse, for prevention of scratches.. MTG will save alot of headaches..Best for rainrot...Love, love . It does everything it says it does, with many uses...
Date published: 2014-11-12
Rated 5 out of
Cindy from
Love this product!
Used this to clear up rain rot on my horse! Cleared it up quickly! Also good to use on horses with feather!
Date published: 2014-10-20
Rated 1 out of
Jenf from
Made it worse
My horse was pretty itchy so based on reviews I tried this product. It made it Way worse and the poor guy couldn't stop itching on anything and everything after I used this. I ended up calling the vet after a week and 3 baths to try to wash this off. Definitely test on a small area first.
Date published: 2014-10-13
Rated 5 out of
Ladybug from
It Truly Works & On Humans Also!
I've used this and my hair grows extremely fast. Normally I have super-slow growing hair. But every time I have used M-T-G (once per week) my hair grows only after a few days of each use. It doesn't grow super long, but it does grow quickly. I'm a keeper. Also there's folks that use it on their horses that love it also and their horse's manes and tails are very, very long after such a short time!!! It smells like burnt bacon, but it's worth it.
Date published: 2014-10-13
Rated 4 out of
rvkellog from
It works great on rain rot. After treating with other products for weeks we saw and improvement in one use. I've also used it as a tail detangler for a horse with a VERY matted tail and it worked GREAT. The only negative thing about this product is the smell.
Date published: 2014-10-03
Rated 5 out of
Eventrider from
Awesome stuff
Grows hair , cures fungus, heals bacterial infections, etc... Works great. Does what it says it does . Downsides are it's sulfur based so Stinky (but the original I find works better than the new less stinky version because the best part is the sulfur). It can also act as a magnifyier in the hot direct sun so be careful with sensitive skinned horses turned out.
Date published: 2014-09-23
Rated 4 out of
hkinCA from
Great Product
This worked great I have been battling this fungus for 6 months without much of a dent and one week of treatment it is almost gone...now if it wouldn't smell so bad it would have gotten a 5*
Date published: 2014-08-22
Rated 4 out of
Jumpinponies from
Grooming staple
This stuff is really magic. Despite smelling a bit like bacon...its really helped my mare's tail and mane. I also put a bit in her ears occasionally because she tends to get dry/flaky skin. It's completely done away with her dry itchy ears as well! There's multiple uses for this product and its definitely a grooming staple!
Date published: 2014-08-05
Rated 5 out of
SueG316 from
Awesome product!!
I bought MTG to treat rain rot and scratches on my mare. It began to clear up both issues within days! I am utterly amazed by this product! I don't even care that it smells like a smoldering camp fire, It works and that is all that matters to me!!
Date published: 2014-07-25
Rated 2 out of
Crazyponyy from
Skin burns!
This product gave my horse second degree burns on his forelock and face and his neck broke out in hives. He is new to me and i have used this product for years with my other two horses with great results but i guess my new guy has very sensitive skin! Try a small spot on horses before full blown using it. I wanted to help grow his forelock not have to shave it off.
Date published: 2014-07-16
Rated 5 out of
ProfE from
The Best EVER
MTG does a great job on my TB's summer itch, so I'd buy it for that alone.
Even more impressive, though, is the way it worked on a recently adopted mini. The poor little guy was a rescue, and had thrush, worms AND lice. His coat was an absolute nightmare, and the hair was falling out in clumps, leaving patches of bare, itchy skin. Not pretty!
Anyway, MTG was invaluable here. After treating for lice and worms, I began applying MTG every other day. It's only been a month since he arrived, but he already looks like a brand new horse, with lovely, shiny hair coming in like crazy.
MTG is fantastic, and I just couldn't be happier.
Date published: 2014-06-22
Rated 5 out of
Jmszoom from
Does what it claims!
I just love this product. It helps my horses tail grow so fast and look healthy. I rub it on his tail bone and dock. I also use it if he rubs his tail. Helps heal itchy scaling skin.
Date published: 2014-05-01
Rated 5 out of
Jint from
Proven impact
I know there is a newer version of this, without sulfur smell, but honestly, I don't care. This product works to treat many skin conditions, thrush, miner injuries, shining coat, getting rid of skin flakes, etc. I hope they never change the formula
Date published: 2013-11-29
Rated 5 out of
mary311 from
Works Great
Excellent product for scratches and getting hair to grow back. The smell is gross, but I can overlook that due to the results.
Date published: 2013-10-08
Rated 5 out of
EWSvaRDR from
This stuff might stink but it WORKS!
I have a hard keeping TB that gets some rain rot every spring. This stuff softens the scabs within 24 hours and leaves behind healthy skin that is ready to grow a new coat of hair.
Date published: 2013-07-02
Rated 5 out of
copycat6396 from
Miracle Worker!
I bought this product after reading many great reviews and I am now so impressed that I will always have a bottle on hand! I started using it on my horse's mane and tail and the hair is actually growing longer and stronger. It has a funky smell but since it works it is well worth it!
Date published: 2013-06-03
Rated 5 out of
rexndutch from
Great for tails
MTG is a great product for getting horses to stop rubbing their tails, and then encouraging the tail to grow out. The product is a little messy and is pretty oily, but it works.
Date published: 2013-05-20
Rated 4 out of
Joleen from
great for rain rot
I tried everything for my mare's skin, but this product stimulated hair growth very well and kept her coat looking great through the rainy season.
Date published: 2013-05-10
Rated 5 out of
soundview from
this stuff really works
it grows hair and has a treatment effect too. Recommended by vets and vet techs
Date published: 2013-04-17
Rated 5 out of
AllAroundFun from
Great product for skin conditions!
Works great at healing crusty scabs on my haflinger's heels and doesn't need to be applied daily. Also works wonders on the mane and tail when washing is not an option in the winter or year round. Cleans up the funk and detangles thick manes and tails!
Date published: 2013-04-05