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Wholistic Pet Organics® Canine Complete is rated
4.4 out of
5 by
Rated 5 out of
Sarah from
Can't say enough good about this supplement
My dog loves Canine Complete! Such a difference in her coat. Amazing!!
Date published: 2012-03-08
Rated 5 out of
PasoPerson from
Vet Recommended
When looking for an all pupose multi for our raw fed dog, this was our vet's first choice. It is food based, and our picky dog eats it.
Date published: 2012-02-21
Rated 5 out of
crittermom from
A must for raw dieters
I feed both of my Westies a raw diet. Without Canine Complete this could be a big problem. Canine Complete provides everything they need to be healthy. They have a great coat good skin and lots of energy.
Date published: 2011-09-18
Rated 5 out of
Sarah from
Great overall supplement
We have added this to our dogs daily feed. For the most part it is consumed with the food, however there is usually some powder left in their dishes. This is the reason for 4 stars for palatability. We have noticed a huge improvement in their coats while on this supplement. Very happy!
Date published: 2011-06-06
Rated 4 out of
GPPT from
Very Complete, Great for Allergy Dog
I chose this supplement over some that I had used previously for 2 reasons;
1 - It is the only supplement of this type that I have found that doesn't include yeast, which my current dog is allergic to and seems to be becoming a more common food allergy.
2 - It includes pro/pre-biotics along with all of the digestive enzymes and typical vitamins/minerals.
My aussie is SUPER picky and he eats this willingly when mixed with his usual food toppers and that definitely says something!
I also like that it comes with in a + joint formula that's good for maintenance.
Date published: 2011-04-27
Rated 5 out of
Brasil from
Good for one is good for two
I have a 4 year old whippet, "Brasil", who is a Therapy Dog in Stamford Hospital with over 2000 hours of service and was recently featured on Diane Saweyer's World News. I have been adding this supplement for over two years. I have recently added a 15 month old whippet "Canis"to my "pack" and because of the good results I perceived have added it to his diet. Thank you for such a great product !
Date published: 2011-03-01
Rated 5 out of
lovemyoldenburg from
Helps pancreatitis bouts in husky
Has helped almost eliminate pancreatitis in our husky. We first switched her to a non-grain natural dog food which helped but it wasn't until we added Canine Complete that she showed the most improvement. She won't eat her dog food until I sprinkle the powder on her food.
Date published: 2010-11-21
Rated 5 out of
Bichonbabe from
He Likes It!
Just started using this product as recommended. He like it, and I think it will be good for my 23 pound Bichon Frise!
Dogs Need Nutrition Too!
Date published: 2010-01-05
Rated 5 out of
Gretchen from
Great for Home-Cooked Diets
Our 13-year old Collie (Moose) became so ill with pancreatitis that I decided to start cooking his meals. However, I was worried about finding a good, palatable supplement to round out his diet. This product is great - it measures easily, mixes in well with the other ingredients, and keeps him interested in his low-fat food. I love the auto-order from SmartPak, too -- I always have enough Canine Complete on hand to mix up a batch of "Moose Chow"!
Date published: 2008-05-13
Rated 5 out of
SarahS from
Dogs look super
This is a great whole-food type of supplement for dogs. I feed a super high quality commercial diet, so I'm not so worried about the vit/min content of their diets. I do, however, think it's worthwhile to feed something that may fill in any little chinks in the diet. I have tried LOTS of these, but the quality (organic!!!) and price of Canine Complete is the best. My 3 Rottie bitches love it, and you'd never ever know that they're in the "older" category now. Super product!
Date published: 2008-01-17
Rated 5 out of
Sophie's Mom from
Picky Eater Accepts
Maltese are known to be picky eaters and my Sophie is the worst. She rejects most other vitamin supplements. It has been a constant battle to hide them in the food but she has not rejected food with this supplement! I love the SmartPak freshness too! No more stale bags of supplement powders!
Date published: 2006-09-29