The reviews provided on this website represent the experience of the individual posting the review. We do not adopt, edit, or endorse any of the submissions posted within the reviews section. Rather, the reviews are part of an online community of animal owners that desire to share their particular experience with other individuals. These reviews are not a substitute for discussing the health of your animal with a veterinarian.
SmartPak customers are some of the most conscientious animal owners around. We encourage you to share your experience with the products we sell to help fellow customers to make informed choices for their animals. We do not edit these reviews in any way - they are direct customer-to-customer communication. We do monitor reviews for positive and negative feedback, and use this feedback to improve our selection as well as sharing feedback with product manufacturers to help them improve their products. Please note that we recommend consulting your vet with serious health issues.
Liquid Supplement Pumps is rated
3.1 out of
5 by
Rated 1 out of
rlr02 from
Not reliable
Used once and stopped working. Would not recommend.
Date published: 2021-10-14
Rated 5 out of
Megan B. from
Love that this pump is 1 oz, makes administering horse honey super easy! I never have to worry about getting the dose right, just 1 pump and we are good!
Date published: 2020-04-02
Rated 5 out of
TB_MI from
I am glad I read some of the Q & A's because someone asked how much does one (1) pump use and it is stated one (1) pump equals 1ounce, well, I sure am glad it was stated because I use 1 ounce of oil for the horses to "wet" their grain and if if wouldn't have know 1pump = 1ounce I would have stopped short 1 pump seems like a lot but. So far the pump is working great and I love it best investment ever so much easier than trying to pour into a measuring spoon.
Date published: 2019-10-14
Rated 5 out of
EmFoxHunter from
Fits perfectly in Cocosoya
I bought this a few months ago and it fits my cocosoya oil bottle perfectly and makes dispensing the right amount of oil easy every feeding.
Date published: 2019-02-01
Rated 1 out of
photolady from
Doesn't fit 5 gal jug
The cap on this pump is too small for any 5 gal jug that I have ever seen
Date published: 2018-07-11