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dac® Oil is rated
4.5 out of
5 by
Rated 5 out of
rdnkln from
It definitely has helped!
We've seen a big improvement of our horse's coat and it seems to be helping put on some weight.
Date published: 2020-05-18
Rated 1 out of
Ella from
Smells Like Chemicals!
I started my horse on this about 2.5 months ago, and I haven't seen any results so far. I know things usually take up to 90 days, but at this point I am hopeless that this product will actually do what it says. It smells like straight chemicals, and that can't be good for my horse. I do NOT reccomend this. You are way better off feeding pure flaxseed oil that has all of the same benefits. Plus it's natural and doesn't reak of chemicals. I am going to put my horse back on what I had him on before.
Date published: 2020-04-07
Rated 5 out of
Sandra from
Love this product
Everything this oil states it can do for your horse is true. Great product!!!
Date published: 2020-02-26
Rated 4 out of
Cowgirl19 from
I bought this a little over a month ago for my 2 boys. My older guy has been having hoof issues and so far hes improved alot and have gotten great winter coats. Very easy to use just a pump on their grain in the mornings.
Date published: 2019-12-19
Rated 5 out of
Doclarry from
Great supplement for weight gain.
I bought this product a little over a month ago and I can see the benefits to my horse Timone. I have had problems in the past keeping weight on Timone, but the Dac oil is everything the product advertised.
Date published: 2019-11-12
Rated 4 out of
Lys_19 from
Shiny coat
I bought for my mare who is a very hard keeper as she has no gut absorption. She didn’t gain any weight on it. She did have a shiny coat with it, it does have a bad smell but surprisingly both of our horses ate it.
Date published: 2019-10-27
Rated 4 out of
EWFA from
Soft, shiny coats
This product has definitely improved my horse's coat and skin. Even with his long winter coat, his hair is super soft and shiny. I also love the added vitamin E. However, the smell of it is strong, but my horse will eat anything i put in his food bucket, so it was a non-issue for me. I also found it did NOT help with weight gain for my OTTB.
Date published: 2019-10-22
Rated 5 out of
Kait from
Great product, helps coat and weight
Absolutely love the DAC oil. Horses LOVE it. It's great for putting on weight and also helping skin, coat, mane and tail. My horse eats is VERY willingly!
Date published: 2019-10-03
Rated 5 out of
Coco from
Hot blooded TB/Trak always looked skinny
I have a TB/Trak warm blood mare that always looked skinny. Muscular but skinny. It was embarrassing. I tried everything. Literally, everything. When I put this in her feed, she kicked it over. I was nearly hopeless. But then I had the idea to put pancake syrup in her feed and a bit of water to make it into a sweeter, soupier mash and she eats all of it. She licks her bucket clean. She has put on a ton of weight and looks incredible. After 5 hears, I feel like a terrible mom for not figuring this out sooner. Will never try anything else. It is worth trying to mask the flavor to get your horse to eat it. If you horse really needs the calories, pancake syrup is fine.
Date published: 2019-09-30
Rated 5 out of
Danielle from
Horse’s cost is show shopping!
I bought just over a month away and I can already see a difference in my horse’s coat and weight. Will definitely continue to use!
Date published: 2019-07-20
Rated 1 out of
Good Old Days from
Can't work if they won't eat it.
Bought a gallon based on the positive reviews. Bought the pump too, so I could be sure I was measuring a consistent amount. The oil smelled "odd" as soon as I opened the gallon container. I gave it to my usually super eager-eater horse as a top dress over his regular dinner, and he absolutely would not go near the food bucket. I waited him out. Nothing. Eventually I dumped out the oil/feed mix, washed out the food bucket, and put in just his regular dinner, which he ate. The product can't work if the horse won't eat it. And I can't have him boycotting his dinner if I mix the oil in. So now I have an almost full gallon of this stuff and am out the purchase price and shipping, which totaled around $50.
Date published: 2019-06-10
Rated 5 out of
Katie from
Great for weight gain and a shiny coat
I started using this with my hard keeper OTTB 1 month ago. She has already made some good progress gaining some weight and her coat looks amazing!
Date published: 2019-05-30
Rated 5 out of
Andi from
Love DAC Oil!
I've been using DAC Oil for about a year now and I love it! Coats are soft and shiny, helps powder supplements stick to feed better, and has an awesome, very strong Butterscotch-y smell to it. Zero palatability issues and buckets are always licked clean. The only issue I had is the gripper tape was only wrapped around the lid itself and not attached to the bottle at all. Arrived with a minor leak and oil on the bottle and in the ziploc bag that it was in. The little foil seal was slightly raised somehow. Nothing to do with the quality of the oil, though! It's great stuff!
Date published: 2019-03-09
Rated 5 out of
Kaylee from
People have been petting my horse and saying how soft she is! I love this product! She was unsure at first but she now takes it perfect every day! Can wait to see how this continues to help her in the future!
Date published: 2018-12-14
Rated 5 out of
Magic from
I bought my horse back as a rescue. The DAC oil is working nicely to covering up his exposed ribs
Date published: 2018-12-10
Rated 5 out of
HorsinginAiken from
dac oil
My extremely picky eater absolutely loves this stuff. It helps with his weight and he has amazing dapples this fall!
Date published: 2018-10-26
Rated 5 out of
Mini Momma from
Great product!
I bought this for two miniatures that were itchy and dry. They have stopped itching and are feeling much softer. It is very convenient to use with the pump.
Date published: 2018-10-02
Rated 2 out of
Gracie19 from
Not impressed with this
I have been using ground flax for years for the healthy omega 3s, but wanted to try an oil product for the ease of feeding. I like that this oil has balanced omegas and added vitamin E, smells pretty awful and one of my horses (hard keeper TB who really needed to eat this) refused to touch his grain when I top dressed with this oil. The other guys ate it, but not with their normal vigor and didn't lick their buckets clean like usual. I have also noticed that my horses have lost some condition and their slick and shiny haircoats from the ground flax turned dull and all sorts of skin problems are cropping up now. I would say that this is not good for picky eaters and I have had better results with other products.
Date published: 2018-08-06
Rated 5 out of
Emily93 from
Incredible Results!
I bought this two months ago for my QH gelding and only give him 1/2 pump because he really doesn’t need the extra calories. Within the first 2wks there was a noticeable shine to his coat, mane, and tail. 2 months later, his mane and tail are dramatically softer and thicker and requires no brushing, just running my fingers through to untangle. Highly recommend this!
Date published: 2018-07-26
Rated 5 out of
akpitts from
Love DAC Oil
I have been feeding this to my horses for about a year and love the results! Their coats are super shiny and even blacker. I am even happier I can now order DAC oil from Smartpak.
Date published: 2018-03-29
Rated 5 out of
Love this product!
Have been waiting for a source on line that is actually cheaper than I can buy locally!
Date published: 2018-03-24
Rated 4 out of
Humbllh from
Great product
This has made my mare’s coat shiny and silky! It’s also helped her gain a little bit of weight back she lost over winter. I will use the product again! She loved the taste too. Only drawback is it did not come with a pump. Had to buy separately off amazon
Date published: 2018-03-20
Rated 5 out of
Wabbitwuver from
Shedding w/out a tool
I oriinally purchased this for the weight gain prospect and that has been good but nothing and I mean nothing has caused my horses to shed out and a shiney coat like this has. She originally was a light red chestnut/sorrel and she shed out within 2 weeks a deep auburn liver chestnut
Date published: 2018-03-19
Rated 5 out of
Angie from
Our TB mare is so shiney and her top line looks amazing!!
Date published: 2018-03-15
Rated 5 out of
ARhodes from
Great product
I bought this for my 20 y/o gelding, to help boost his coat condition after clipping. Happy to say, his coat is growing great, looks great, getting a deeper color, and I’ve actually noticed growth in his tail! Also great price!
Date published: 2018-01-31
Rated 4 out of
Jamey from
Great addition
Dac oil makes a huge difference in horse coat quality and is a wonderful way to get supplements to stick to grain. Super palatable and no more money wasted at the bottom of the grain bucket.
Date published: 2018-01-15
Rated 5 out of
Awesumness from
Great product
Highly recommend. Added to our old man's food and he started eating again. Love this product.
Date published: 2018-01-09
Rated 5 out of
Laura07 from
Amazing product!
My horses go crazy for this stuff. They are literally
Bouncing around while I get their feed ready!
Date published: 2018-01-02