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SmartPak customers are some of the most conscientious animal owners around. We encourage you to share your experience with the products we sell to help fellow customers to make informed choices for their animals. We do not edit these reviews in any way - they are direct customer-to-customer communication. We do monitor reviews for positive and negative feedback, and use this feedback to improve our selection as well as sharing feedback with product manufacturers to help them improve their products. Please note that we recommend consulting your vet with serious health issues.
Air Power™ is rated
5.0 out of
5 by
Rated 5 out of
DPS3 from
It works
My horse has a cough all summer long, this stops it and we were able to take her off all her medications
Date published: 2018-05-03
Rated 5 out of
Cassie from
Love the ingredients
I have a gelding with heaves who loves this product and eats it up like a treat. I love that it has natural soothing ingredients!
Date published: 2018-03-18
Rated 5 out of
DPS3 from
Stops the Cough
My horse suffers from seasonal allergies, will cough all summer long, nothing seem to help. I now give him this each morning during the hot/humid days and it has completely stopped the cough. I will not be without it.
Date published: 2017-07-21
Rated 5 out of
grittycowgirl from
Starts working immediately!
My retired barrel horse is sensitive to seasonal allergens and dusty environments so when something triggers a coughing spell Air Power instantly helps him. He doesn't mind the flavor at all and actually seems to enjoy it. Definitely recommend!
Date published: 2017-01-05
Rated 5 out of
Brooke from
This product really helps my heavey horse breathe easier on her bad days. She didn't seem to mind the taste and it started to help right away. I also use SmartBreathe pellets daily which has helped her as well.
Date published: 2016-11-22
Rated 5 out of
mary311 from
Works Great
After giving my horse dusty alfalfa, he began coughing-a lot. He is allergy prone, but is really bothered by dusty hay. I always soak alfalfa, but thought one time wouldn't hurt. I had a bottle of Air Power and used it with a syringe. It did fine, but was a little messy. I ordered the tubes because of the ease of use. My horse doesn't object to the taste, and the results are really good. I have been pleased with how well it has helped with his cough.
Date published: 2016-08-30