Power Your Passion with SmartPak

Horses are more than just a hobby. They're your passion, and a sense of purpose you’ve always known. No matter your age, riding style, or experience level, we know this is what you were born to do, and we’re here to help you power that shared passion. Every horse, every rider, every single day, we couldn’t be prouder to call this our sport – and to be with you for the ride.

Power your Dedication
Best friend, teammate, partner, family member: we know your horse is at the heart of everything you do. That’s why, from leadline to grand prix, across every discipline, we’re committed to supporting happy riders and healthy horses every step of the way. And from smarter supplements to custom-fit tack, wellness resources, and so much more, our promise to you always includes:
- Expert product advice from our Customer Care team made of real riders
- 100% Happiness Guarantee so you can shop with confidence
- Free return shipping on sized items to ensure a perfect fit
- SmartSupplements® Guaranteed to Work or your money back
- And even more to love at SmartPak.com

Power your Joint Health

Healthy joint cartilage allows free movement and contributes to shock-absorption. How much do you know about healthy joints? How much more could you know about maintaining healthy joints?
From bone spavins to bowed tendons, learn what you need to know about horse joints and lameness from respected veterinarians across the United States in SmartPak's Horse Health Library.
Joint supplements help keep your horse moving his best by providing targeted ingredients for joint health. Whether you have an older horse, a performance horse, or you want to provide proactive support, check out our top joint support formulas.

Power your Gut Health

An unhealthy stomach can cause wide-ranging impacts from weight loss to poor performance and irritability. Gastric issues can be incredibly painful and persistent, and unfortunately, these types of problems are also very common.
Research has shown that over 60% of performance horses – hunter, jumpers, dressage, endurance, and western – experience gastric discomfort. It's our job as to learn everything we can about how to give our horses the best support for stomach health.
Talk with your vet about dietary and management changes, along with prescription medication. Also consider adding a targeted gastric supplement, like those found here, to help support stomach health.

Power your Peace of Mind

Colic is a general term that refers to abdominal pain in horses. While some cases may be so mild they might not even be noticed, colic can quickly become a medical and even surgical emergency.
It's important for anyone who owns or cares for horses to understand the risk factors and causes of colic, its signs and symptoms, when to call the veterinarian, and what you can do to try and prevent colic in horses.
ColiCare is a FREE program providing up to $15,000 in colic surgery reimbursement . It combines our best hindgut supplements with preventive veterinary care to help lower your horse’s risk of digestive upset.

Watch the Full Story

Power your Support
Have more questions? Looking for more personalized support?
- Call our Customer Care Team at 1-800-461-8898.
- Schedule a free Supplement Consultation with our Horse Health Experts here
- Explore our educational libraries below for answers to common horse care questions.