Meet Phyllis H. and Harry

Success Profile: Jeepie Dun It
Breed: Quarter Horse
Age: 18
Discipline: Reining
Owner: Sara Waymire
All Photos by Andrew Ryback Photography
Harry (AQHA registered name ‘Jeepie Dun It) is a reining and working cow horse with
NRHA earnings, AQHA points, and Register of Merit. He’s a 5-time American Ranch
Horse World Champion, 4-time reserve World Champion, and a National Reined
Cowhorse Association money earner. At 18yo he’s still showing and winning, so his
health is a top priority!
Harry has been on Smart Digest Ultra pellets for 8 years. We started him on them after he experienced some digestive upset and wasn’t feeling like himself. We had seen positive results with another horse in the barn that is on Smart Digest Ultra, so we decided to start Harry on the same product. Harry’s training and showing schedule was
fairly rigorous and we felt like it was important to make sure we did all we could to keep
him healthy and happy.
We also like that Smart Digest Ultra is a ColiCare-eligible product. We signed him up for
ColiCare as soon as he started the supplement! The enrollment process was quick and
simple. The peace of mind that the ColiCare program provides is a huge perk.
The SmartPak system is a valuable part of our care program at Stonegate Farm. We
have a variety of horses with different needs and the SmartPak system allows us to give
them what they need in a convenient, effective manner. We have seen positive results
from the majority of the supplements we use and we love the SmartPak customer
service team. I encourage all of my clients to utilize SmartPak for their supplement
needs and we have a barn full of happy customers!
Additionally, Harry’s owner, Phyllis Mudd, is a 77-year-old retired school teacher who
has been riding various disciplines for over 50 years. Before Phyllis, Harry spent the
majority of his career being ridden at a high level, so it was amazing to see him adapt to
working at a different pace and he seemed to know exactly what he needed to do to
help Phyllis learn to show him successfully! She and Harry earned over 200 points in
the NRHA green program and she continues to show him and has a goal of showing
him in amateur reining at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress this year. She's at
the barn every day and rides 4-5 times a week. She and Harry are such a fun team to
watch and they bring a smile to everyone’s faces when they step into the show ring.
They also enjoy riding around the farm here and trail riding. At 77 years old and 18
years old, these two just enjoy every ride, no matter where they are. This horse is
priceless and we are committed to doing everything we can to keep him healthy and
happy, including keeping him on Smart Digest Ultra for the rest of his life!