Meet Joanna N. and Eddie

Success Profile: Eddie
Breed: Appendix Quarter Horse
Age: 5
Discipline: Hunter/Jumper
Owner: Joanna Novakovic
Original 2018 Success Story:
I got Eddie last summer to be my own “for fun” horse. I loved him the moment I sat on him! He’s a very smart baby and learns quickly, but I’m taking my time to build our relationship and get him going correctly before I do much showing with him. When Eddie became a cranky, unpredictable ride, he was diagnosed with gastric issues. After I started treating him, I got my sweet, fun horse back! After that, I decided to start him on SmartGI Ultra Pellets to support a healthy stomach, and he’s stayed that way ever since. I like that in addition to ingredients for gastric health, SmartGI Ultra Pellets also supports his hindgut and makes us eligible to enroll in ColiCare, SmartPak’s $10,000 colic surgery reimbursement program. I don’t carry insurance on Eddie, so it’s wonderful to have the reassurance of ColiCare in case something goes wrong.
2020 Updated Success Story:
Eddie had a great winter- he was relaxed and happy, even as other horses three times his age were acting up. Winter is a busy season for me, coaching the Cornell Equestrian team, so we didn't show, but we were looking forward to gearing up in the spring. And then COVID hit... So all showing plans were out the door! But we've kept busy this summer with some schooling trips and will be ready to go when things are safer. Eddie is stronger and better than ever and has had very few extra needs for his GI health, although we do do some precautionary Ulcergard for trips and transitions. Once things settle, we're hoping to start in the 3' Greens and the smaller Hunter Derbies this year! Fingers crossed for safety and health for all- horses and humans alike.