Deworming FAQs & ColiCare
SmartPak’s commitment to Healthy Horses and Happy Riders led us to develop ColiCare, our $15,000 colic surgery reimbursement program. One of the annual wellness requirements is parasite control, which we based on the AAEP’s Internal Parasite Control Guidelines. Since this step can be confusing, we’re shedding the light on some of your most commonly asked questions.

The ColiCare program states that I need to participate in a “vet-directed deworming program.” What does that mean?

Great question! Since it is so important to have a close working relationship with your veterinarian regarding your horse’s overall wellness, to meet this requirement, you must be working closely with your veterinarian to develop an annual deworming plan that includes at least one fecal test and two deworming administrations.

My horse’s fecal test came back negative (or 0 eggs per gram), why do I still need to deworm him?

Fecal test results and their meaning in horses can be confusing, especially when compared to testing for parasites in dogs and cats. For instance, a negative fecal in a horse (0 eggs per gram) doesn’t necessarily mean the horse is free of parasites. In fact, horses are rarely, if ever, worm-free. It simply means the horse is shedding very low numbers of parasite eggs at that time and not contaminating the environment. Fecal tests can also be used to tell if a dewormer is still effective or if resistance is an issue. Keep in mind that tapeworm eggs will usually not appear on a fecal egg per gram test. Since tapeworms may increase a horse’s risk of colic, it’s important to deworm specifically for tapeworms once or twice a year, depending on your veterinarian’s advice.

My vet does not perform fecal tests, what do I do?

If this is not a service your vet provides, no worries! Our Equine Fecal Test Kit makes it easy & clean. Just wait for your horse to pass manure, use the scoop to drop a bit into the collection container, close it up, put it in the envelope, and drop it in the mail. You’ll have your results in less than two weeks!

Why do I need to do a fecal test every year? Isn’t one enough to show me what type of shedder my horse is?

There’s more to fecal testing than determining what type of shedder your horse is. For example, it’s important to test for resistance every year, because this is a constantly developing situation. If you have foals and yearlings, you’ll need to track and treat ascarids (roundworms). Besides, for strongyle eggs, your horse can change shedding status from year to year.

Do I have to buy dewormer from my vet or have them administer it?

No, you can purchase dewormer from your veterinarian or any equine retailer. The veterinarian does not need to administer the dewormer; this can be completed by the horse owner or barn staff.